by Sicily Houk Current Editor in Chief
It is becoming that time of year where the River Hill senior class of 2021 is ready to graduate and move on into the world. There comes a time in every high school student’s life when it is time to move on to those next steps. Graduation, college, going out into the world and making it their own. There are four years where you learn new things, make mistakes, and become the person you are. Now is the time to reflect and look forward to the future ahead.
When asked in an interview what will you miss most, Senior Grace Hull remarked,” I will miss hanging out with my friends after school.” When going into college, it is known that students have the fear that they won’t be seeing their old friends as much and needing to make new ones. Hull also said, “I’m looking forward to getting out of the house, and experiencing new things. But I am also nervous that I won’t make new friends.” When finding your way out in the unknown it can be quite terrifying. Some may assume that they will not be accepted by the new world while others are ecstatic and ready to meet new people as well as branch out into a broader aspect of education and life.
When asked the same question, Senior Jordan Abrams replied,” I am looking forward to having more freedom in what I can study and take whatever classes I want to do. I am excited to have a curriculum not set by the state. Another interesting thing will be living with friends.” There are many opportunities that come along with college and that will teach new things. While on the other hand you will be taking the knowledge you learned from high school to be better prepared.
In the interview a question that was also asked: What was one thing you learned from your years in high school? Abrams responded,” I learned that a lot of people try to impose a certain mindset on you and you feel pressure to follow those people. But doing your own thing is meaningful and important and helps make your life better for you.” When looking deeper into those words there are many students who can relate to this feeling. It is safe to say all students may have felt it and handled it in their own way.
Finally when asked what piece of advice would you give your younger self/ new freshmen coming in, the two Seniors had some inspiring responses. Hull exclaimed,” I would tell them to be themselves and keep trying to reach your goals.” It is a common thing where people will set a goal for themselves and give up. But these seniors today are living proof that you should always try your best and things end up great in the end. Abrams had another piece of advice,” I would say to my younger self, that he should spend more time trying to talk to teachers after school as well as branch out more. Mostly try to develop relationships with people I normally wouldn’t.”
These seniors have experienced a lot in their four years of high school and have many more challenges and experiences to endure. The class of 2021 has many amazing and hardworking students that will hopefully inspire those after them to write about their own future, branch out, and to be yourself.