By Gabby Fiorino Features Editor The girl on fire is back and ready to fight back even harder against those who forced her make choices no young woman should have to make. The Hunger Games series is returning with its third installment, a two part movie Mockingjay Part 1. This movie picks up where and…
Category: Feature
How to Get Away with Murder starts strong
By Tyler Conway Staff Writer Now that the school year is in full gear your academically ready for the tasks headed your way. However, are you ready for the plot twists thrown at you every Thursday night from the new ABC hit show How to get Away with Murder? That’s right murder, the word that…
Team Rocket prepares for international competition
By HaeMee Lee Editor-in-Chief Team Rocket is blasting off again! 24 students, known as Team Rocket, of Mrs. Contney’s Advanced Object-Oriented Design and Advanced Data Structures classes entered the Zero Robotics International Space Station (or ISS) Programming Challenge, an international high school competition run by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. According to Zero Robotics, “the goal…
American Horror Story returns for fourth season
By Gabby Fiorino Features Editor The FX television network is currently airing its 4th season of the hit series American Horror Story. The show is televised on Wednesday nights on FX from 10 pm to 11 pm each week. Each season is portrayed in a different time setting containing a different theme. The actors, such…
River Hill hosts statewide conference for art teachers
By Shereen Ashai News Editor The River Hill art department hosted a conference for the Maryland Art Education Association on October 17th. Each year, the statewide conference attracts a variety of teachers from all over Maryland and provides art educators with opportunities for professional development by allowing presenters to share knowledge about art curriculums. Throughout…
Future educators at River Hill
By Gabby Fiorino Features Editor For most people, the future is the only thing that’s on their mind. Ever since we were little we always thought about what we wanted to be when we were older. Some people’s dreams were to become the teachers of the future. Well now that the future is closer than…
Date rape nail polish
By Gabby Fiorino Features Editor It’s a growing problem in our society today. It is becoming much more common for drinks to get spiked with drugs that would enable predators to sexually assault their victims. One in every five women claims to have been date raped, and one out of three of those women claimsto…
RSVP helps to increase student voice and participation in school activities
By Carol Bello Features Editor & Alexa Marquis Staff Writer River Hill’s student government (SGA) along with officers from the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) club coordinated a student leadership conference on the 30th of September. This conference included approximately 70 River Hill students from all grades. These students participated in a series of…
What did you do over the summer?
By Tyler Conway, Staff Writer “How was your summer?” Followed by “what did you do?” are the most popular questions shared among students as they return back to school. Some students use their summer break to get a job, visit potential colleges, or even just spend time with friends and family. However, some students decided…
Ice water becomes viral for ALS
By Caroline Bello, Features Editor What began as a comical challenge of athletes and celebrities pouring ice water over their heads has now turned into a philanthropic nationwide trend. The ALS ice bucket challenge is ubiquitous on virtually all social media outlets including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter feeds. Each video challenge features a nominee pouring…