By Emmy Ribero Since quarantine has started, there have been many new and binge-worthy shows and movies added to Netflix. One that has become increasingly popular since its release is called The Outer Banks. In The Outer Banks, they describe two divided groups: the Kooks and the Pogues. The Kooks are the more wealthy and…
Author: Wayne Tromble
Farewell to The Current
By Danny Tow Time is a funny thing. One day, you’re entering your first day of high school, and your brother is getting a ride with his friend and leaves you to walk. The next day, you’re sitting at home, staring at your computer as you virtually graduate. Neither of these experiences were ones I…
Online AP Exam Struggles
By Sarah Burnett As the 2019-2020 school year comes to an end, many students have been taking AP exams online, which started May 10th. Due to the global pandemic, College Board opted to make exams online this year, rather than the traditional in-person testing. When students were asked whether or not they liked the new…
The Restaurant Industry After Coronavirus
By: Sarah Sheinker, Co-Editor In Chief The coronavirus pandemic heavily hit the United States in early March and by mid-March, restaurants across the county were suddenly and almost entirely shut down. With one fell swoop, the emergency closings of the states shut down an industry that employs more than 15,000 million people, and was projected…
Play Ball! But When?
By: Gabe Kamins, Opinions Editor When the KBO, the Korean Baseball Organization, started its season without fans on May 5th, plenty of American fans tuned in. Despite the late start times – games begin between 1 a.m. and 5.30 a.m. EST, ESPN struck a deal with the KBO to show six of its games on…
SAT 2021
By: Sarah Brunett, Features Editor Many businesses, organizations, and schools are temporarily shutting down as a result of the increasing number of covid-19 cases within the United States. It has become unsafe to hold events that allow many people within a confined space because it will break social distancing laws recently put into place. Due…
Tips for Beating Quarantine Boredom
By: Emelia Ribero, News Editor The struggles of quarantine have hit everyone during this global pandemic. Boredom and loneliness are affecting everyone because of the legally mandated social distancing policies. It is important to keep busy during this social hiatus because many will find themselves scrolling endlessly through social media, which can take a toll…
Impact of Coronavirus on Student-Athletes’ Future
By: Gabriel Kamins, Opinions Editor The Coronavirus has swept across the world, causing people to stay home, keep six feet away from each other, sanitize frequently, and practice many life-altering things. However, an underrated effect of the virus is the impact it has on juniors in high school who are trying to get recruited to play…
Exercising During Quarantine
By: Sarah Sheinker, Co Editor-in-Chief As the United States manages the ups and downs of the COVID-19 pandemic, citizens are stuck at home with nothing to do but snack. With gyms and parks closed, there isn’t much opportunity for exercising. Now that April is coming to an end and summer is approaching quickly, most of…
A Senior In Quarantine
By: Danny Tow, Co Editor-in-Chief We’re living in an unprecedented time. No one currently alive (outside of the few 115-year-olds here and there) was around the last time a pandemic such as this struck the world, and even so, modern medicine and technology have drastically changed the response from how the Spanish Flu was dealt…