by Vlada Rauner, staff writer
This time of the school year, students are pushing themselves harder than ever as summer comes creeping. Eager for the relief but having to combat the last minute difficulties of finals, testing, and college, there is no time to waste.
The second semester has started, and there are only a few months until finals and AP tests, not even to mention a closing door on college essays and applications.
Spring break is one of the most anticipated breaks of the year. It gives students a chance to relax before deadlines get even closer.
The HCPSS Academic Calendar inserts extra days into spring break that can be used as inclement weather makeup dates. We have already used three of these days which unfortunately means a much shorter spring break. This year, spring break will be from March 30- April 3rd, 2018. Many students already have set vacation dates, there will be few students in classrooms during the days surrounding the break.
Especially for seniors, the incentive of coming to school is little to none for many reasons. “As a senior, spring break is our last opportunity to do college visits… to far away schools…before we have to make the biggest decision in our lives so far,” says senior Leah Frydenberg.
This is the first time that the school system has taken days out of spring break as make-up days. “It sucks,” says senior Rylee Mahoney. “They’ve never done it before”. The frustration is clear and understandable. Other students even have vacation plans that are definitely not getting to change. Bailey Little, who is going to be hearing back from her top school Florida State, is taking advantage of the break. “I’m going to be in Florida so,” she says smiling.
It seems as though the HCPSS doesn’t realize that high schoolers see the loopholes because they are making the holiday on May 18th a mandatory half day. Rest assured attendance on that day will be limited as well. Along with this, the most recent school closing on March 2nd means that the last day of school will be delayed until June 15th which is a Muslim holiday. By then, finals will be over and those who have an option of skipping class, will.
It is ultimately the students choice if they want to come to class, but with such a small attendance expected on these days, it is unlikely that students who don’t show up, will be missing anything.
On the other hand, despite the eminent low attendance, HCPSS is required by state law to have 180 days of school or 1080 hours of classroom instruction. In order for a school day to count towards these required days, there must be three hours of class with all lunch shifts completed within those three hours. Public school systems have a half day, and 3-hour early dismissal schedules to meet requirements for a full school day. However, when school is canceled for any reason, those days will have to be made up in order to meet state demands. Choosing where to put these days is the bigger question and the potential answer is why students will be less than pleased to show up to class.
It is ultimately the students choice if they want to come to class, but with such a small attendance expected on these makeup days, it is unlikely that students who don’t show up, will be missing anything.