By Lauren Mitchell, Staff Writer
A leadership conference was held in the media center during 3rd period on Tuesday, October 12th 2015. What was the leadership conference? Well, in this conference, many River Hill students and teachers assembled to discuss the important issues facing the school community, and to contemplate multiple solutions to these problems. The purpose of this conference was to make River Hill High School even better than it is today.
Some of the issues that were discussed in this conference were the following; relationships and communications between teachers and students. school spirit, and guidance. The attendees thought of many solutions to these issues that will soon be brought into the daily lives of RHHS students, by not only thinking of solutions, but actually beginning to implement them.
Students and teachers participated in multiple workshops throughout this conference that taught them skills and traits of being a better and effective leader. Were the workshops effective? Ashleigh Steinberg, a freshman who attended the conference says, “I learned many skills on how to be a good leader throughout the workshops such as the proper way to carry yourself in a interview, and skills on how to communicate.”
Caroline Tang, another freshman who attended the conference, explains “I learned attributes that leaders have, which helped me become a better leader.” Clearly the students and teachers who participated in the conference gained something other than solutions to problems.
The real question that arises from this conference is whether the problems will actually be solved? Well, the answer is yes. In fact, Alaina Feinberg, a senior who attended the conference says that “Yes, the school has already been intemplating these ideas and solutions.” Notice the new sign out sheet and bathroom passes? That came from the problem of bringing agenda books into the bathroom was, so this conference is plainly already solving issues!
The leadership conference also relieved some students , because they no longer have to worry about these issues. Alaina also states that “It was nice talking about things that frustrated students on a daily basis and finding solutions.” Giving the students a voice is always a way to improve relationships within staff and students!
Even staff members who didn’t attend the conference notice a positive change in the school. Ms. Gaulding, a student intern for English teacher Jocelyn Martin, says, “People are doing a good job of acknowledging these issues. I believe if they (the students and staff who attended the conference) and passionate enough towards fixing the issues, the can be solved.”
The leadership conference not only proposed to change RHHS’s issues, but actually started solving and fixing them. The students and staff who attended retained a higher knowledge of leadership by participating in the leadership workshops provided. The leadership conference is changing the face of River Hill High School for the better!