By Hasan Mirasyedi, Staff Writer
River Hills Student Government Association holds a grade wide competition to see who can raise the most donations for Grassroots. The fundraiser was held on the week of January 29th, and was part of the Student Government Associations project of the year and was a friendly and competitive way to raise cans of food and toiletries for the Grassroots located near Atholton. Grassroots is a non-profit organization helping in 24 hour behavioral health, crisis intervention, and homeless services to families and individuals in need.
The competition lasted the entire week all the way up to the basketball game on Friday, February the second, against Atholton. In order to encourage students to donate goods, the first 50 students who arrived at the basketball game were given five dollar gift cards to Fruitful Juice Bar located in Clarksville. Executive board president Gabi Demuren explained how “the idea for the fundraiser came from our board’s decision to promote the drive during a big Friday night game.” Gabi added how SGA “anticipated to use the rivalry game hype to encourage students to give back and support community drives.”
The Idea stood successful as a total of four full boxes filled with both toiletries and food items had been donated. According to Gabi “The grass roots drive was a success.” Seniors managed to donate the most goods making the senior class victorious in the competition. Executive Board Vice President Teniola Adejana added how “depending on how many people still want to donate, the fundraiser may be extended to give more students the opportunity to donate.”
Students from River Hill liked the idea of promoting the donation of goods through the basketball game. River Hills’ game against Atholton was one of the most packed games with both sides of the bleachers being full with students, family, and friends. Senior Dylan Martinez expressed how he “thought it was a really great idea to promote a fundraiser through the game. This was definitely one of the most crowded games I’ve been to and it couldn’t have been planned on a better game.” Junior Mohammed Emira agreed with Dylan explaining how “the gift cards also entice students to donate. I donated some toothpaste and got a gift card. It was definitely worth it.”
Although the River Hills basketball team lost that evening, the Student Government Association of River Hill took home a big win. With four boxes of goods filled with toiletries and canned foods, the fundraiser was considered a success. All donations from the game and the entire week will be sent to the Grassroots located near Atholton High School in order to help individuals and families in need.