By Siena Houk, Staff Writer
River Hill’s girls lacrosse team has proved itself as a strong unit in the world of sports, with many girls every year trying out in hopes of being a part of the team. With a rich history of success and a commitment to excellence, the team has earned recognition for both its competitive spirit and sportsmanship. From amazing individual performances to cohesive teamwork, the girls lacrosse program continues to inspire athletes and fans.
Girls lacrosse is a very fast-paced and team-oriented sport that is played with a small rubber ball and a long-handled stick called a crosse. The objective of the game is to score goals by shooting the ball into the opposing team’s net. Players on the team work together to pass, catch, and shoot while defending their goal and constantly changing positions on the field. It combines speed, skill and strategy and is typically played in the spring season. The sport encourages teamwork, communication, and athleticism, providing an exciting challenge for players.
Freshman Fiona Devine started playing lacrosse because her “sister and dad got me into it. They grew up playing lacrosse so they wanted me to follow in their footsteps.” Fiona has been playing for 6 years alongside her father and sister. Playing lacrosse has “influenced my personal growth by teaching me how to be confident in myself and be adaptable to tough situations.”
On the other hand, sophomore Isha Patel is disappointed “I didn’t make it. I have never really played lacrosse before, so I didn’t expect to make the team, but it would have been fun. I know a couple of my friends are playing this year so we could have done it together but they are definitely more experienced than me. I plan on trying out again next year.”
Bonding in sports is one of the biggest factors in playing well. You need to be able to trust your teammates on and off the field. Freshman Caroline Urban shares that some of the teams’ pre game rituals include “visualizing our goals for the game together and talking about our game plan. I also take some time to myself to set goals before playing so that I can feel prepared.”
Some people not as connected to the game, like sophomore Amaal Arain, played “lacrosse outside of school for a while but wasn’t sure about playing school lacrosse. All the girls on the team are really nice and I like the coaches, but I didn’t want the sport to interfere with my school schedule. I am taking harder classes this year so I don’t have as much time to play with my course workload.”
River Hill’s Girls Lacrosse team shows the true meaning of hard work, teamwork and resilience. With a legacy of success and a commitment to growing the sport, the team continues to make a lasting impact both on and off the field. Whether they’re celebrating victories or learning from challenges, they will continue to inspire the next generation of athletes.