By Rachel Bowers, Staff Writer
As spring is approaching, students and teachers tirelessly prepared for the spring pep rally. This big event will occurred in the main gym on March 14th, 2025. The pep rally showcased many performances and games run by the SGA. There were also spring sports teams running out.
The SGA played an enormous role in all the pep rallies’ successes. Senior Sara Khan, a member of the executive board, said, “We have weekly meetings and have been preparing the script and getting the performances all set for the last few weeks.” Another member of the executive board, junior Leilani Ryang, states, “We contact all the coaches and the performers to plan out the timing for the day and also we took in student input for certain games from forms and town halls.” All the SGA’s preparations allow for a smooth running pep rally.
One of the sponsors of the executive board, Ms. Noecker, explains that “the SGA executive board have been gathering the music selections and also preparing something for all the students to get as they enter for weeks now.” She also shares how “for this pep rally, there will be three games including a relay with scooters/spring sports equipment/mattresses, a chubby bunny competition with donuts, and a balloon popping competition.”
However, the SGA are not the only ones who were prepping for this big event, but also the performers. Senior Lucy Qian, a performer in senior dance company, relays, “For the spring pep rally, the juniors and senior dance companies have started learning our choreography for the routine that we will be performing.” She also mentions, “As always the piece we will be performing includes choreography by Ms. Byrd and our student choreographers. Their next rehearsal will be the start of the cleaning process, and soon the two companies will be rehearsing all together.” The cleaning process is refining and perfecting it through detailed practice focusing on precision, timing, and musicality to achieve a polished and professional performance.
As this will be the last pep rally for seniors, many feel disappointed they won’t get to see another one. Senior Ariella Schulterbrandt explains how she “will really miss watching the relay race games and all the performances, especially step teams.” Another senior, Taylor Wilson says “ I am sad this is my last pep rally, but I am looking forward to seeing the dance company perform because they’re always so fun to watch.”
Although this was the last pep rally for seniors, there was still so much to be excited for. Sara says she was “excited to see how the chubby bunny with donuts game goes.” Ms. Noecker remarks she was “excited that the entire student body will experience the staff vs staff basketball game this year. It’s always fun to watch!” Similarly, senior Dara Asante said, “I am looking forward to seeing everyone participate in the games.”
As the pep rally is fast approaching, with much preparation, this spring pep rally will be fun and memorable, especially for seniors!