River Hill’s art community is astounding, existing as a safe environment for every student. Although the art department has already proved itself through its products, there is one art class at RHHS that is the most prestigious of them all, being the highest possible class a student can take here: New Forms.
The only way to reach New Forms during high school is if you begin your freshman year in Art 2 GT. As a freshman, placement in this class requires a portfolio submission and review; the process is very competitive. When asked why New Forms is held to such high standards, current participant junior Zoe Flike states,
“I think New Forms is considered so prestigious because in order to take it, you would have either needed to place out of Art 1 as a freshman, or skip another level.”
By: Alex Jackson (Junior)
Art is a way for students to express themselves in a way that no other academic experiences offer. Alex Jackson is a junior planning to take the New Forms class in the following 2018-19 school year. When asked about the benefits that she has received from participating in RHHS art, she states that the department has
“given me a place to express my ideas and feelings in a nonjudgmental and safe environment. Whether it is about a project/theme or just about what’s going on at school, I know that the art room always has someone I can talk to and bounce ideas off of.”
Other than self expression, art benefits students in many other ways as well, such as by teaching personal and life skills. Junior Devin Hill, who is taking New Forms next year, states that
“Art has given me a way to manage my stress in school. When I feel I have too much on my plate, I look forward to art class so that I can sit down and be productive in a way that doesn’t stress me out or exhaust me mentally.”
Adding on to the idea of life related benefits, junior Arden Perry states “The program had developed my personal style within my art and also my creativity outside of my pieces. My ability to problem solve has developed over time both in my art and my life.” Arden also plans to take New Forms next year, being an active member of the art community.
Mrs. Smith is the teacher for the New Forms class, allowing the students to have a lot of independence compared to previous classes. She states, “New Forms is different than the other classes I teach because I give them independence, as they create their own projects depending on the overall theme for the unit.”
The art teachers are the core of our successful art department, the people that further the River Hill art world and allow students to participate in amazing classes like AP photography and of course new forms. Arden believes that
“they taught me a lot about time management and how to be a good person in general. They are very forgiving and understanding. They will work with you and help you grow to your best potential.”
Alex Jackson stated that “the art teachers are some of the best people I have ever met. All of them are so understanding and willing to help with whatever you need. Each class, Mrs. Smith walks around to everyone to give us an individual critique or ideas or just to see if we need help with anything in general. We can tell they care so much about us as students and as people. It does not go unnoticed and I appreciate it so much,” depicting how influential these teachers are on the young lives of the River Hill students.
New Forms is a challenging class, as it requires you to reach the deepest level of your creativity senses, but Mrs. Smith works endlessly to make it an immensely enjoyable experience for all students. Art classes and activities such as new forms should receive more recognition in the community, as its touching values have evolved our school on a major level.